Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design diploma 毕业证

Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design毕业证、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、样本图片、diploma案例。

Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design Diploma Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case
Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design院校介绍
Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design (DHSVAD) has a strong history of success in the creative arts and design faculties and is proud of the links established with the National Art School and The Design Centre Enmore, Sydney Institute of TAFE.
Students have access to an extensive range of subjects, courses and pattern of study and are guided by professional and highly experienced teaching staff who take a personal interest in each of their students.
Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design provides a safe and caring learning environment, which encourages success. Students and their families benefit from a comprehensive support network which includes specialist counsellors and learning support teachers.
Students access a variety of learning environments utilising the tools, machines and technologies relevant to the learning areas:·
Art Workrooms
Ceramics Workshop
Connected Classroom
Computer Labs
Food Labs
Graphic Studios
Metal Workshop
Music Rooms
Science Labs
Senior Art Studios
Sports Ground
Textiles Workshop
Weights & Exercise Room
Wood Workshops
DHSVAD has a very enthusiastic and supportive P&C Association, which is affiliated with the Federation of P&C Associations on NSW.
The objects of the Association are to:
Promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, pupils and teaching staff into close cooperation.
Assist in providing assistance required by the school for the benefit of students
Report to the Minister of Education as to the material requirements of the school
Assist the teaching staff in establishment of school policy and management in all facets of school activity.
The Parents and Citizens’ Association meets on a regular basis at the school – usually the third Wednesday of each month from 7.30pm to 9.00pm in the Common Room in the Heritage Building facing Seaview Street.
The Association carries out activities in accordance with resolutions that have been passed by the membership. We are a very “hands-on” P&C and prefer to engage in meaningful activities rather than have endless meetings. Hence the P&C has been actively involved in both serious and fun activities, all of which contribute to the advancement and benefit of the school.
Activities the P&C has been involved in:
In the recent past the P&C played a key role in preventing the closure of Dulwich High and in it rebirth as Dulwich High? School of Visual Arts & Design.
Organised fundraising and social events including participation in the Dulwich Street Festival, Annual P&C Fun Night, sausage sizzles.
Organised “Thank You to Staff” morning teas.
Participated in a range of school Committees eg. Finance Committee & Marketing and Communications Committee.
Assisted with funding for equipment used by students
Established the school uniform shop and its passing to a commercial operator
Provided representation at Port Jackson District and Sydney Region P&C
Curated art displays
Participated in educational conferences
Assisted in the development of the school website and other publications.
At some meetings we have a special guest – either a Head Teacher or an external person – to give us additional information on subjects or tops affecting our children.
New members are very welcome and parents and carers of students are encouraged to become active members of the school and its community.
Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design毕业证学位、本科、硕士、博士、成绩单、样本图片、diploma案例。
Dulwich High School of Visual Arts and Design Diploma Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.